Multilevel Compression of Linear Operators

Descendants of Fast Multipole Methods (FMMs) and Calderón-Zygmund Theory

Logistics and Syllabus: Yale, Fall 2006 Semester

Course Homepage

Catalog number: AMTH510a

Instructor: Mark Tygert (Yale), in collaboration with Per-Gunnar Martinsson (U. of Colorado)

Location: Leet Oliver Memorial Hall (12 Hillhouse Ave.) Room 200

Times: 2:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Mondays and Wednesdays

Grading: If you're taking the course for credit, your grade will be determined wholly by a "chat" with the instructor at the end of the course.


  1. Volume and boundary integral equations
  2. Iterative/not-locally-adaptive solution techniques
  3. Numerical representations of function spaces and linear operators based on algebra
  4. Fast methods for applying low-RUS linear operators
  5. Fast methods for applying the Green operators of time-harmonic wave equations
  6. Fast Plane-Wave Time-Domain (PWTD) algorithm for the solution of time-dependent wave equations
  7. Direct/locally-adaptive solution techniques
  8. Divide-and-conquer diagonalization and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) techniques and fast algorithms for special function expansions